Pellet types

Pellet types of feed

These feeds are produced using an extruder (high pressure cylinder), mixing and heating under high pressure. By controlling the pressure and temperature at the same time, a pellet is produced that meets the exact requirements.

Porous type of feed

"Expanded" pellets absorb water quickly and are porous. Their flexible consistency, which is not common in other feeds, is suitable for fish consuming live food due to the similar structure of live plankton.

Disc type feed

Thinly shaped slices in a shape developed and adapted to the basic feeding habits of catfish, armadillo and other bottom-dwelling fish.

A hard type of feed

Feed with a very small proportion of air inside the pellets maintains its structure in water for a long time. A suitable type for crayfish and hermit crabs that take food slowly by tearing and breaking it into small parts.

Granulated type of feed

Very small pellets made from preheated and powdered ingredients shaped into small balls using special patented binders. Hikari®'s Micro-Coating™ process covers each pellet with a thin coating that locks in nutrients and eliminates their breakdown in water. Soft, easily accepted and full of nutrition, these pellets never cloud the water in the aquarium. Best choice for small tropical fish that normally accept flakes.