
Saki-Hikari, a revolutionary food for professional Koi breeders and enthusiastic Koi lovers!

Saki-Hikari® was first developed specifically for Japanese professional breeders.There are always some problems when raising Koi: poor water quality due to accumulated organic waste and poor filtration, rapid spread of diseases, unbalanced growth and fat growth.These problems are primarily caused by diet.

Saki-Hikari® prevents these problems and provides excellent results.Proof of this is the 14 Grand Champions of all countries in Japan since the beginning of the century.Saki-Hikari® food is the result of years of scientific research, development and close cooperation with Japanese Koi breeders.

The Secret of Saki-Hikari

The secret of Saki-Hikari® is Hikari Germ™.These live bacteria (lactobacillus) are added to Saki-Hikari and ensure optimal intestinal activity.The result is exceptionally good digestion, fast and consistent growth, less water pollution and healthier and healthier Koi.Hikari Germ bacteria are also called probiotics.

The beneficial effects of these bacteria are not only known to breeders, these beneficial bacteria are also used in products for human consumption, such as yogurts and Yakult®.Saki-Hikari® is most effective with continuous daily use, the benefits of Hikari Germ are reduced when feeding is interrupted and when mixed with other foods.

How Hikari Germ™ by Saki Hikari works